Board of Directors Meeting

Tsawwassen Boundary Bay Lions

November 18, 2024

Cammidge House 


Meeting called at 7:00 pm


Dave S. (chair), Steve S., Allan C., Peter T., Tom McG., Randy T., Steve D., 

Changes to Agenda - none

Previous Minutes

  • Previous minutes deemed to be acceptable.


Financial Report – Steve S.

Steve S presented the November report with approximately $63,000 in the bank after the final payment from the Barnside event. He had been to the SCK last week and noted that both the freezer and the fridge had no power. Some of the frozen food was saved and put into the chest freezer in the barn while some was ruined and thrown out. Earlier this year the refrigerator was replaced and it looks like the freezer will have to be replaced next year. It could cost +/- $3,000

Community Donations Committee – Barry H.

Barry H. had sent out 2 documents suggesting the Donations Criteria and “Large Group Donation Analysis”. They were previously attached to the minutes of the September 16 Board meeting. A revised ‘Donations Criteria’ dated Nov. 1, 2024 was approved by the Board but with a slight revision to the requirement of asking for proof of net income from individuals requesting assistance. The revision to the wording in the second paragraph will now state that “people… should be asked to show ‘proof of need’ during any investigation of the individual who is requesting assistance from us. As Barry was not at the meeting, Secretary Steve then introduced 5 donations for the Board’s approval.

1. Delta Stroke Recovery Society - $7,500 the motion was not carried at the last Board meeting, so the Board had to re-introduce the motion, seconded by Allan C. Carried  

2. Dyslexia Tutoring program through the South Delta Baptist Church - $7,500. Last year we approved $7,500 to be paid annually for 3 years, subject to an annual review. Their recent report satisfies our need for progress and we will continue our $7,500 support. Motion made by Peter T., seconded by Randy T. Carried

3. Tsawwassen Boys and Girls Club. Steve D. made a motion to approve a donation of $1,000. to assist them in running their after school program which is made up with educational, leadership and nutrition programs as well as many others. Last year we donated $1,000. Seconded by David S., Carried.

4. Deltassist Christmas Hamper Program. Motion by Tom McG. for a donation of $1,500. seconded by Allan C., Carried. Last year we donated $1,500.

5. 828 Hurricane Squadron Cadets. Motion by Steve D. to approve a donation of $1,000. to assist them with expenses in operating their various program activities. Seconded by David S., Carried.  Last year we donated $1,000.

These motions had to be voted on by the Board, some for the second time as we were unable to field a quorum at the last meeting. As our constitution does not allow for ‘proxy voting’, attempts have been made to circulate the motions to the membership and ask for their electronic votes, to no avail. In order to ensure we have a quorum at the next meeting on December 2, 2024, it was decided to send a notice to the general membership asking them to read over the details of the 5 motions and if the members are unable to attend the meeting, to advise the Secretary of their vote, either yes or no for each donation. If there is no quorum at the meeting, then the electronic votes can be counted to deal with the motions.   

Parking the Car Lot Bus - David S.

Steve S. advised that it would cost approx. $1,400 to store the bus at the Guichon barn and Steve D. contacted Metro Vancouver about parking it at Cammidge House until the Spring. We received a resounding ‘No’ as MetroVan cannot accommodate this request for any group, as the site is strictly designated for park operations. It was then decided that Tom McG. would take it out for a run every couple of weeks to ensure the battery was kept charged.

Tree Chipping and Christmas Party - Allan C.

Allan advised the dates for the signage to be put up and said that sign-up sheets would be brought to the next meeting. A sign up sheet for the party would also be circulated to see who can bring appies and/or desserts. Allan also suggested that we start calling the members to remind them of each meeting like we did for the first few months of the year. We would like to see regular members take this on rather than Board members. He will also contact Len at Sunnyside regarding this years’ Plant Sale, usually held at the end of April. He also suggested we reinstate the ‘Good and Welfare’ item each meeting.

Christmas Hampers - Tom McG.

Tom has not been able to attend any Christmas Hamper meetings but will advise the details at the next meeting of what kind of help is needed at Paridon, which is located at 104th Street in North Delta.

New Board for 2024-2025 - Peter T.

Peter reminded the Board that he will be looking for a new President and Vice President nd new Directors positions for next year’s Board.

Zone Chairperson and 1st District Governor Visits - David S

David spoke about the annual visits from our District Zone Chairperson, Chris Qiu on December 2nd as well as from our 1st Vice District Governor, September Stokes which will be on January 6, 2025. He encouraged the members to try to attend these visits to hear what is happening in our District.


The meeting was terminated at 8:05 PM

Club Calendar


December 2, 2024 - next General Meeting

December 16, 2024 – next Board Meeting


December 7    - OWL Open House

December 14  -  Christmas Party at Calderwoods’

January 1, 2025 - Polar Bear Swim at Centennial Beach

January 4 and 5, 2025 - Tree Chipping at SDRC

January 31, 2025   –  South Park Elementary Pancake Breakfast

November 11, 2024