
Tsawwassen Boundary Bay Lions

October 7th, 2024

Cammidge House

Meeting called to order at 7PM

Allan C. provided boxes of Timbits for the members to enjoy. Many thanks Allan.

Induction of New Members: Lion President Dave S. inducted new members: Blair Down and Abe Morales, with assistance from Lions Steve D, Steve S., and Lorri H.

Attendance: James B, Patti B, Bob B, Allan C, Steve D, Kathy Davie, Zahir D, Blair D, Lorri H, Chris H, Gary K, Steve K, Roger L, Abe M, Steve S, David S, Sergiy S, Peter T, Randy T. (19)

Agenda Changes: Allan C. asked to add Tree Chipping.

Correspondence: Steve D. circulated a letter from the Volunteer Cancer Drivers Society.

Previous Minutes: There were no errors or modifications required to the minutes of June 3rd, 2024. Motion to approve Steve D, seconded by James B, carried.


1. Financial Report

Steve S. moved to accept the financial report as distributed, seconded by Roger L, carried. He then reported that the club had donated $500 worth of food leftover from the Barnside Festival to the Volunteer Cancer Drivers Society picnic. It was much appreciated.

2. Food Service for Elementary Schools

Steve S. has sent a letter to all the local schools explaining what we can do and asking them to contact us if they have a need. Ladner Elementary has responded by asking for us to provide the SCK at their local track meet in June.

3. Barnside Harvest Festival

Steve S. reported on the results of the Barnside Festival. The club netted just under $11,000, which although considerably less than expected was a good return on the work performed by the Lions. Revenue was down due to the rain on the Friday, showers on the Saturday and lower attendance on the Sunday.

The chair check was also a great success, and thanks were expressed for the help of the SDSS Football club. Allan C. moved that we donate $1,000 to the football club for their help. This motion was then modified by a motion from Dave S. to change the amount to $1,200 to more accurately reflect how the Lions’ club was paid for their services. The amended motion was seconded by James B., carried.

Steve S. expressed that he thought that this had been an excellent event for the Lions to be associated with and that we should look at doing it again next year.

4. OWL Open House

Steve S. reported that he had been approached by OWL to provide food service at their planned Open House in December. Based upon last year’s experience he responded that we could be there but with a very simple menu e.g. Hot Dogs and Hot Chocolate. He is waiting to hear back from OWL.

5. Community Donations

Barry H. was not present, so Dave S. reported on the new members of the committee:  Zahir Dossa, Patti Bedard and Doug Bunker. 

6. Tree Chipping

Allan C. reminded everyone that Tree Chipping would be happening just after New Year’s Day. After some discussion, it was decided that it would be on Jan 4/5, 2025.

7. Car Lot

Randy T. has previously presented a detailed report on the car lot, which has been circulated to the membership. The Car Lot as earned over $4,800 so far this year so the potential is that we could make close to $5,200 for the year. The car lot will close October 27th and reopen the first weekend in March 2025.

There was a discussion on allowing customers to sell their bike(s) and what identification should be asked for. It was decided that a customer would be charged the full rate of $15 per spot and that they would be asked to show their driver’s licence for the record.

8. Remembrance Day.

Peter T. told the members that the wreath had been ordered for this event and reminded them that we would need some volunteers to attend the ceremony and place the wreath. Bob Bell, Blair Down and possibly Lorri Hewlett volunteered. Peter T. will contact them closer to November 11th.

5. Last Word

Thanks to Steve S. for some merry words of wisdom.


The meeting was terminated at 8:00pm

Club Calendar


October 21st, 2024 - Board Meeting.

November 4th, 2024 - next General Meeting

Events: November 11th – Remembrance Day at the Ladner Cenotaph

December ?? – OWL open house 

October 19, 2024