Minutes for General Meeting

Tsawwassen Boundary Bay Lions Club

June 3, 2024

Cammidge House

Call to Order – 7:02 PM - Dave Smith Chair


James B, Bob B, Allan C, Beth CH, Kim C, Steve D, Kathy D, Biane D, Bill D, Zahir D, Charmaine E, Brian E, Murray H, Chris H, Gary K, Lions Steve K, Roger L, Rick M, Steve S, Dave S, Sergiy S, Peter T, Randy T (24)

Changes to Agenda

Peter T: 2024 Summer barbecue, Eye glasses Kim C: TBBL business cards Dave S: Grauer Park


Steve D: A thank you letter from the Heron Hospice A thank you letter from the Ukrainian family that the TBBL supported. They have moved to Vancouver Island.

Minutes of May 6 were electronically distributed. No errors or corrections were voiced. Motion to accept, Dave S: Second, Randy T, Carried

Induction Ceremony

President Dave Smith asked prospective new member, Charmaine Edwards to come forward with her sponsor Lorri H. Kim C stepped in for Lorri who was sick tonight. Dave S, Steve D and Steve S then conducted the Induction Ceremony followed by a big welcome from the membership. Welcome Charmaine

Tail Twister

Steve D conducted a raffle for a choice of a bottle of fine red wine or a four pack of interesting beer. Charmaine E and Bill D, called the winning tickets. Brian D won the wine and Randy T went home with the beer. Steve S totalled $100 earned by the TBBL raffle towards the TBBL Administrationaccount.

1. Financial Report

Steve S presented his report which can also be viewed on the TBBL website. Motion to accept, Steve S, Seconded, Randy T.

Discussion: Steve S, Heron Hike for Hospice cost club $100. This was a charitable event, that received huge coverage for the TBBL on social media. The Deas Island Regatta took in ~$1200 for a profit of about $600. This event will be reviewed before accepting next year. All in favour: carried.

1a. Barnside Harvest Festival September 13, 14 &15:

Dave S, reported that we’ll need volunteers to cover 9 shifts over the 3 days. Allan C has approached the SDSS football team for assistance. The seniors aren’t available Saturday but OK for Sunday. The junior team will be asked if they can assist. Steve S reported that the organizers would like to have the TBBL SCK on site during the event. Plan: TBBL members would be servers. Chefs not paid for by Barnside. Cost of preparing food will be 20% of net proceeds. Cost of food will also be deducted. In 2023, the Firefighters performed this function. They cannot staff it this year. mIn 2023, the Firefighters took in ~$27,000 in 3 days. Dave S and Steve S will meet with the Barnside Supervisor on June 5, to discuss the specifics of the plan. Dave S noted that the SCK and the “Chair Check” area will be side by side, thus allowing crew to assist at both stations.

1b. Lawn Bowling Tournament:

Steve S suggests that the TBBL organize teams of 3 members to participate in the Sunfest fun Lawn Bowling Tournament, to be held on August 3.

2.Community Donations Committee: Nothing to report in Barry H’s absence.

3. Car Lot

Randy T distributed a very detailed report. Please refer to Appendix A. Randy T will be away from June 11 – July 15. A request for a stand-in Supervisor was filled by Gary K. A shift on July 7, 12 – 2 PM is vacant. Steve D and his son Roger volunteered.


- Rainy days were busier than sunny days !!

- The third shift 12 – 2, sold 1 permit in the first three months. If staffing becomes an issue, this shift could be unstaffed.

- Key storage a problem. Solutions suggested:

Randy: Provide keys for each crew members** will be adopted

Maureen: Use Velcro to secure key box to non-magnetic surface

Sergiy: install a “lock Box” on the bus bumper.


Murray H said battery charger for the bus went missing after one of the dead battery events. Chris H reported that the charger has been returned to Don Moore. Peter T suggested that we should return to the practice of plugging in the bus trickle charger while the bus is on the lot. Or the bus could be taken for an extended drive on the way home. Allan C suggested raising the daily rate to $20. Randy T wasn’t in favour of this idea due to high competition from other car sales platforms.

4. SDSS Bursary Qualifications

Steve D and Steve S are revising the Bursary Information on the TBBL website.They suggest that we adopt TOOB’s practise of providing bursaries to both SDSS and DSS. The list of qualifications and process will be amended and simplified. (also noted by Roger L), Brian E said to include the Community Service requirement. Lion Steve K said that we need to redefine our definition of “Trade School” as there are multiple options available to students.

5. Adopt a Street Program:

Dave S, reports that Randy T will be unable to manage this program. He asked the membership for a volunteer. No response.

Dave S will send out an email request. If no member volunteers, the participation in the program will be dropped. Randy T, program details:

- Three events per year;

- 16 volunteers for each event. Students, 828 Squadron;

- Cleanup 1st Ave to 16th;

- City of Delta will provide safety vests, bags and signage on 56th Street

- TBBL has picker uppers

6. Socializing at General Meetings

Dave S put out a request to the membership for a volunteer to organize some finger food and other events like the raffle, for our next meeting on September 3. No response. Dave S will send out an email request. Steve D emphasised preprepared finger food, or similar snacks, and strict adherence to post event clean up and garbage removal from Cammidge House. Cost of this plan will be covered by the evening’s raffle.

7. Summer Barbecue

Peter T has volunteered his back yard for the barbeque on Saturday August 24. He will send out an email for participation and food planning.

7a. Eye Glasses

Peter T, sent off 586 pairs of eye glasses to the deposit depot in North Delta. There will be a new collection box location at the new Spec Savers store.

8. Canada Day

Steve D and Sergiy S work on the committee with Barry H. Steve D reports that Face Painting will be done by South Park Elementary students and the Crafts area will be supervised by the 1 st Tsawwassen Pathfinders. Kim C will maintain the noise level with the Wood Crafts venue. Save On Foods is the primary supplier of foods and refreshments and especially “The Cake”.

New Business

Grauer Park playground was a combined project between the TBBL and the City of Delta. Once the project was completed, maintenance and upkeep is now the responsibility of Delta Parks and Recreation. Southpointe Academy would like to install a “GaGa” pit. Check it out: https://youtu.be/XWM_z6__3_Y?si=UE0y6QzTxvV2X14K

At the advice of Parks and Rec, they asked the TBBL for permission to use the property. The TBBL supports the Southpointe project but use of the park area remains the responsibility of the City of Delta.

Kim C has printed 500 TBBL business cards that provide contact information for the Club. These cards can be given out at the Car Lot and by the cashier at SCK events. Charmaine E suggested bookmarks. Roger suggested less expensive online printing.

Randy T reports that the large bank deposit key is missing from the bus cash box. A search will be conducted, then a possible reorder from the TDB.

Good and Welfare of members

Beth is trying hard to adjust to her new living arrangement at Windsor Woods.

Larry L is getting more advanced with his dementia. (Roger L)

MarilynE is healing slowly from her broken leg. (Rick)

Doug B is now hobbling around on crutches after knee surgery. (Brian D)

Patti B is learning to walk again after her hip surgery. (James)

Roberta B living at Rosemary Heights Seniors Village in South Surrey.. (Beth)

Last Word

Thanks to Steve S and Brian E for some merry words of wisdom.

Termination and Adjournment

8:27 PM

October 19, 2024