
Tsawwassen Boundary Bay Lions

September 3rd, 2024

Cammidge House

Meeting called to order at 7PM

Attendance: Allan C. (Chair), James B., Patti B, Bob B, Beth C-H, Blair D, Murray H, Chris H, Gary K, Roger L, Steve S, Maureen S, Peter T, Randy T. (14)

Introduction of New Members: Allan C. introduce new member Blair Down.

Agenda Changes: None

Previous Minutes: There were no errors or modifications required to the minutes of June 3rd, 2024, so they were approved.


1. Financial Report

Steve S. presented the updated financial report as distribute. It was accepted with one modification to the total of the Activity Account (addition error). He then discusses the SCK events for the last two months and the upcoming Southpointe School hot dog BBQ at Centennial Beach. Staffing for this event should be OK.

He then discussed the club’s involvement in the Barnside Harvest Festival. The club will be staffing the chair check. The SDSS Football club will be helping wit this event. It is almost completely staffed except for Sunday 5-10pm. Maureen S. volunteered for that shift. The club will also be providing the SCK. Members are only required for serving. The club could earn in excess of $20,000 for these two events.

2. Community Donations

1) Peter T. circulated a letter from CLERC (Canadian Lens and Eyeglass Recycling) in which they discussed some large expenses incurred in the last financial year. Peter T. made a motion that the club donate $500 to CLERC to help with their ongoing operation. It was seconded by Gary K. and passed.

3. Car Lot

Randy T. presented a detailed report on the car lot, which has since been circulated to the membership. The Car Lot as earned $4,600 so far this year so the potential is that we will make close to $5,000 for the year. The car lot will close at the end of October. As discussed in his report there was a further discussion of the use of the bus by TOOBS without the car lot manager being informed, and the issue of people wanting to sell bicycles. Randy T.’s report is attached to the email distributing these minutes.

4. Summer BBQ

Peter T. confirmed date and time for the BBQ on Sep 7th and reminded members to wear their club badges and bring a chair.

5. Last Word

Thanks to Steve S. for some merry words of wisdom.


The meeting was terminated at 8:00pm

Club Calendar


September 16, 2024 - Board Meeting.

October 7, 2024 - next General Meeting


Sep. 6 – Southpointe Academy

Sep 13/14/15 – Chair check and SCK at Barnside Harvest Festival

Tsawwassen Boundary Bay Lions Car Lot Report for September 2024

1) Randy Thomson began by thanking Gary Keller for covering as temporary Car Lot Manager while Randy was on vacation this summer and for delivering the Bus every week from its parking spot to the mall parking lot for Sunday Car Lot sales. Randy also thanked all those Lions who have been volunteering for the 2-hour shifts at the Car Lot this year.

2) Randy then reported on issues with the Lions Bus, a vehicle that is required every Sunday from March through October for the operation of the Car Lot.

a. Unknown to the Car Lot Manager and shift volunteers, the TBBL Bus had been out to loaned to TOOBS to transport our mobile grills (also loaned to TOOBS) during the week prior to the August 18th Car Lot opening. When Sergiy Solomyany opened the Bus to set up the Car Lot on the morning of the 18th, he found that all the pylons, as well as the prop that holds the side window open to allow volunteers to sell permits, were missing.

Without the pylons, the ropes that mark to boundaries of the Car Lot had to be tied to parking lot light poles. Because these light poles are immobile, the ropes had to be laid on the ground so that no one would trip on them or drove into them. The result was that the ropes were unseen or ignored be people driving into the parking lot who were not there to sell cars. There was general chaos that then had to be policed by the Lions volunteers. Also, the inside table was damaged so that it is no longer solidly connected to the inside wall of the Bus and now tips diagonally if you lean on it. This tipping caused Sergiy to spill his coffee all over the floor of the Bus... fortunately, no one was burned by the coffee.

b. Randy thanked Murray Hastings for volunteering to try to fix the table problems in the Bus.

c. Randy thanked Barry Howard for finding and storing the pylons back in the Bus later the following week and for cutting a new side window prop for the Bus.

d. Since the Bus is integral to the operation of the Car Lot, Randy requested that if anyone is going to borrow or lend out the Bus that they verify that everything is back in the Bus when it is returned to its parking spot and that the Car Lot Manager or their delegate is informed that the Bus is being used for other purposes.

3) Inquiries about bicycle sales.

As you may have heard, “Bob Bicycles” is well known and long standing customer who buys permits and uses the space to sell bicycles that he has restored and repaired. A number of other people have approached the Bus to inquire whether or not they could also sell bicycles at the Car Lot. We discussed the issue and decided that as long as they paid for the permits for the spaces they were using, and they provided valid BC picture ID, such as a driver’s license or BC ID card, and we record that number and the customer’s name and phone number, then people could use the lot to sell bicycles. The ID recording needs if any bicycles being sold on the lot turn out to be stolen bicycles. We will not be recording the serial numbers of the bikes themselves.

4) The Car Lot “Big Picture”

Randy described how if you are working a Car Lot shift when only a few permits are sold, it may feel like the Car Lot is not worth continuing. However, he shared a bigger picture view of the Car Lot’s operation and pointed out that this year to date, the Car Lot revenue from permit sales and donations totals $4,600 and that it is anticipated that this number will climb to about $5,200 by the end of October. Allan Calderwood pointed out that after expenses, the profit from the Car Lot may exceed the profit from the annual Christmas Tree Chipping.

The take home message is that the Car Lot makes good profit for the TBBL, and that each of the volunteers is contributing to this by spending most of their 2-hour shifts chatting with people about the Lions, or reading a book, or playing on their phone. Randy argued that it is good for all of us to continue the Car Lot and for Lions to continue to participate in it by volunteering to work Car Lot shifts.

5) Car Lot 2024 Year-To-Date Statistics

Total Revenue from Permit Sales and Donations: $4,600

Permits Sold this Year-To-Date

Shift 1 Shift 2 Shift 3 Total

232 70 2 305

Average % Permits per Shift

Shift 1 Shift 2 Shift 3

76 23 1

Permits by Day's Weather Type

Shift 1 Shift 2 Shift 3 # of weather days

Sunny 193 58 2 20

Cloudy * 11 3 0 1

Rainy ŧ 28 9 0 6

Average Number of Permits Per Day By Weather Type (Rounded Values) *

Shift 1 Shift 2 Shift 3 Total Average Number of Permits

Sunny 10 3 0 13

Cloudy 11 3 0 15

Rainy 5 2 0 6

* Note that Shift 3 appears to have no permits sold, but that is only because the actual number of permits sold is low and the average values are being rounded down to 0. The hidden decimal portion of these averages still contributes to the total average value because rounding occurs after the averages are summed up.

ŧ Though few permits are sold during the 3rd shift, the feedback customers is that that sellers like the legitimacy that the Bus and the roped off area brings to the sales event, and they believe this helps to sell their cars and would even like the Car Lot to be open longer. The take home message is that the 3rd shift is a public relations event rather than a money maker for the Lions.

October 19, 2024