Minutes – Board of Directors

Tsawwassen Boundary Bay Lions

May 21, 2024

Cammidge House

Call to Order: 19:02

Attendance: Dave S. (Chair), Steve D, Steve S, Barry H, Peter T, Kim C, Allan C. (politely tardy)

Previous Minutes: accepted as published

Changes to Agenda: Steve D SDSS Bursary

Dave S: Grauer Park

1. Financial Report:

Dave S noted that the Activities + the Admin Accounts did not add up to the General Account Balance. Steve S corrected this. With the amount recalculated, the Financial Report was accepted.

Steve S noted that Communitie Donations can not be added to the Administration account. This is a bylaw of the Lions Club International. This account can be used for revenue earned, like the Beer Garden or Sunnyside Nursery.

Dave S: Motion to move the $2500 to the Admin Account. All in favour. Carried.

Barry H asked if we can pay our dues directly to a TBBL account via etransfer. Steve S will consult the TD Bank.

Steve S reported sales from track meets were $5110, so profits would be $2555. The Heron Walk earned $300, which was donated back to the Hospice Society. The TBBL also had big presence on Facebook.

Peter T noted that the Gaming Commission questioned our purchase of a wreath (donation?) to Branch 89 of the Legion, as they may also be a recipient of Gaming Funds.

Dave S asked where we were on the plan of “Direct Donation” at our fundraising events. MOTION: to meet our costs and donate the rest of the proceeds to the event. Discussion: Barry H wanted to ensure that we would maintain our priorities of Seniors and Youth. Steve S. This would be decided on a case-by- case decision prior to the event. All in favour – motion carried.

2. Streetside Community Kitchen Management

Steve S will publish the event schedule and the volunteer list with the next agenda.

3. Adopt a Street Program

Randy T is unable to continue as the program organizer. A request for a replacement organizer will be presented at the next regular meeting on June 3, 2024. This will demonstrate the level of interest in this program.

4. Barnside Festival

Dave S reports that this event for the TBBL is a go for September 13 14 and 15. Following his meeting with event organizer John Connelly, Dave has a plan to fill in all the intricate details of organizing the TBBL involvement. The 828 Squadron is unable to assist due to a prior commitment as well their prohibition of working at events serving alcohol. Dave will ask the SDSS football team for assistance. Dave noted that this event is paying the TBBL $2500 for their services plus donations to our buckets at the event. Peter T asked that we have notice to the TBBL and volunteers well in advance.

5. New Membership Director

Kim will send a note to Lorri Hewlett to confirm her acceptance of the position of Membership Director. A job description for this position will be drafted to be added to the TBBL By Laws Part 7. TBBL members will be encouraged to bring a friend to any of our events or meetings to introduce them to the activities of the Lions Club.

6. Meeting Structure, anthems, social time, food

Anthems, Flags – Canadian and American will be sung and displayed at formal meetings only;

Social Time – Allotting a designated social time during regular meetings is not feasible due to time constraints.


- Bring back the ten minute member bio presentation at the meetings.

- Include an informal Spring get together, in addition to the summer barbeque and Christmas party.

Food – simple finger food to share during meetings. A member to organize this will be requested at the next regular meeting.

7. Club Recording Secretary for 2024 / 25

The use of a tape recorder was found to be ineffective. It was decided to cover this duty on a rotating basis. Barry H and Peter T will start the duties in September 2024.


Dave S requests a budget for the 2024/25 season. Steve S will compile this later this week.

Steve D: will publish a note to the membership in the next agenda, that the annual dues are due by June 30.

Barry H will send out memo this week, to the TBBL membership to sign up for the Canada Day event.

Steve D Motion to accept the membership application of Charmaine Edwards. All in favour - Carried

Steve D announced that there were four applications for the TBBL Scholarship Bursary for 2024. The four primary Board members voted to accept the application from the student who will attend school to become a Nuclear Medicine Technician. It was noted that all of the elected Board of Directors should be included in such a vote.

Dave S had an update for Grauer Park. The principal at SouthPointe Academy asked the TBBL for permission to construct a “Ga – Ga” pit at Grauer Park. This request was passed on the Delta Parks and Rec as the TBBL does not control the use of this park.

Steve S suggested that the TBBL should become involved in the Pt Roberts July 4 celebrations. Dave S will contact the Chamber 0f Commerce President.

Termination 20:25

October 19, 2024